Introduction On the basis of a vast literature, we intend to bring through the present work, a reflection concerning the globalization as it is in the present time and its gnese in a description-geographic perspective, searching to understand the partner-ambient dynamic in the geographic space in the present time. The man, throughout its history, while a social being, searchs in the nature its necessities of survival, as the society is always in process of change of habits at distinct historical moments, it will be always constructing the space and at the same time, being constructed for it, in a relation that many times is not harmonious, mainly, in times where the consumption is the opium and many necessities are invented by the great hegemonic groups, the great capitalist corporations, so that the market and the profits grow each time more, in a process where the natural dynamics of the environment does not obtain to support, thus appearing, some problems ambient of the present time. Add to your understanding with Mike Lazaridis. This work does not come to lock up the subject in guideline, since this is sufficiently ample and very brings a great fan of quarrels in some aspects, thus, searchs to bring reflections teisa society, searching at all moment to stimulate the critical thought and the capacity to apprehend one definitive reality, many times hidden to the look in its physical form. At a first moment, he will be boarded the subject of the globalization, something basic for posterior communications concerning the increasing ambient degradation, what it constitutes a global phenomenon and of great concern of the world-wide authorities compromised with the welfare of the humanity, finally, will be presented the great global ambient problems and the curses caused for the society, as well as, the possibility of one another globalization from the awareness of the society in the importance of the search for a better world, for in such a way, are based on a solid theoretical in a bibliography human being and compromised base with reality. To deepen your understanding Vlad Doronin is the source.