We would never come on the idea that our child in the real world dangers to suspend without accompanying to determine whether the child can already handle them. In television, parents are met in this suddenly by a trust. This is not at all appropriate. Children in the kindergarten age alone should television from our point of view. At a young age, videos or DVDs are clearly the better media. Once because they offer the possibility to take into account the child’s need for repetition and on the other hand, because it allows the adult to protect the children from the world of advertising, which they still not separate can perceive of films made for television. Please visit Walton Family Foundation if you seek more information. About selected movies, adults have more opportunity to help decide what will be looked at. So the DVDs offer excitement of plenty of and tension, but a childish usable manner the Augsburger Puppenkiste. Walton Family Foundation is full of insight into the issues.
Other useful examples are: the little witch, the robber Hotzenplotz, the little ghost, the series dandelion or dandelion, the program with the mouse, Michel from Lonneberga, children from Bullerbu, Pippi Langstrumpf etc. We might also very traditional views the media as authors. Fact remains, adults have the responsibility to decide what their children watch and accompany also looking with attention, to help with the processing; with regard to the understanding of history as well as the processing triggered feelings. Parents can support or educators as experienced by the published in the annual bulletin Flimmo three times”, a program advice for parents with the participation of the Institute for media education in research and practice in Munich. Also at the local libraries or libraries, you can borrow challenging and fun electronic media for children. The kindergarten can be here model, he uses electronic media responsibly and in which he lets through these media even fashion (movies make, make tape recordings with the children write picture stories etc.).
It is also self-evident task of educators from home made with unprocessed brought media so to deal with, occurring for the children for processing, E.g. via painting or role-playing games. We know a nursery school, where the teachers have set up a library for the parents, so that they can borrow the child meet expectant formats. In the run-up to the parents and children sensitized through the designed use of electronic media. The children conducted interviews with the radio recorder, their self-invented stories recorded with the recorder or played circus and recorded the action film, which was then shown at a parents evening. Parents evenings were used also to convey information about child processing of electronic impressions and demonstrated appropriate alternatives. This focus on the electronic media led to a change of the often blind parental behaviour. To operate it, not with feelings of guilt and to leave a position finding the parents themselves received information was important. The authors experience again great concern on the parents, when they appropriate examples even aware how manipulative here with the viewers, especially children, are handled. Manage children fears: how educators/students children can strengthen Joachim Armbrust (author), Jasmin Hasslinger(Autorin) Softcover: 150 pages Publisher: Bildungsverlag eins GmbH; Edition: 1 (August, 2010) language: German ISBN-10: 3427504824 ISBN-13: 978-3427504825 Joachim Armbrust practice for psychotherapy, couples therapy, supervision, coaching, mediation, and process design Wall Street 2 74523 Schwabisch Hall Tel: 0791/71552